Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Perpetuation of Racism in Canada by the Mainstream...

The Perpetuation of Racism in Canada by the Mainstream News Media Canada is internationally renowned for its commitment to multiculturalism. In fact, Canada was the first nation to officially adopt a multicultural policy. However, while the Canadian government has developed a broad-based multicultural mandate that includes a national human rights code and increased penalties for hate-motivated crimes, and most Canadians oppose overt forms of discrimination and hate, racism continues to exist in Canadian society, albeit in a subtle fashion. Many theorists lay blame for the perpetuation of racism in Canadian society on the mainstream news media, arguing that racist preconceptions are reflected and reinforced through the use of†¦show more content†¦However, theorists contend that the news media has a much larger role in shaping the way members of a society think and behave. For example, Wilson and Gutierrez argue that the news media plays a central role in defining society (by virtue of its surveillance and informer functions) through the reinforcement of standards, norms, and values. 4 Likewise, J. R. Ponting, in his analysis of stereotyping of Aboriginals in Canada, notes that the news media imposes a culturally racist model of Canadian society by using ethno-specific values and norms. 5 In addition, Todd Ferguson, a Montreal-based social activist, argues that the news media constructs status quo reality through the process of legitimisation and reinforcement of standards and norms. 6 That is, the media transmi ts and reinforces culturally specific standards (i.e. beliefs, images, norms, and values) by selecting value-laden news coverage. Augie Fleras and John Lock Kunz further the argument, pointing out that what appears as mainstream and unbiased is, in actuality, socially constructed. Fleras and Kunz point out that news items (i.e. the events or issues that are covered) are chosen by personnel (such as editors) on the basis of personal, institutional, corporate, and commercial priorities. 7 In other words, the news media is market driven. The mainstream news media, therefore, are not merelyShow MoreRelatedTrends And Patterns Of Asian North American1634 Words   |  7 Pagesoccurrence: as a second generation Japanese-Canadian, I have grown up surrounded by American and Canadian media that lacks representation of Asians to the point that seeing an Asian on my television is an thrilling. This is the sad reality of the state of representation of Asians on television. I have learned and experienced first hand that the lack of proper representation of Asian people in the media is widespread and widely unexamined, and often denied importance. 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