Sunday, May 17, 2020

Piaget And Lev Vygotsky s Theory Of Learning Essay

Human development is key in allowing people to have the opportunity and freedom to decide who and what they want to be. By discussing contextual factors, teachers can ensure they cater their styles to assist all students to ensure they reach their full learning potential. Each educational establishment has it’s own culture and identity. Therefore it is important that all teachers, especially new ones are familiar with the individual schools contextual factors and the systems they work from. Diversity is also an important focus point as classes will include students from different race, genders, religion as well as levels of skill, therefore it’s important these factors are taken into consideration when lesson planning so teaching is as effective as possible. To examine this further I will be discussing the theories of two very influential development psychologists Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. Piaget’s constructivist approach to learning examines how humans acquire knowledge through experience. Whereas Vygotsky looks at learning from the perspective of a social constructivist believing that humans develop their learning skills through shared knowledge as well as social interaction. To support Vygotsky’s perspective will be a journal, written by Min Kim, which involves setting guidelines for assessing learning progress. Piaget adopts a constructivist perspective, believing that children create their own understanding of the worldShow MoreRelatedVygotsky And Vygotsky Theories Of Learning1257 Words   |  6 PagesTheories of learning In this essay, I will compare and contrast jean Piaget and lev Vygotsky theories of learning. First, I will discuss Piaget followed by Vygotsky then I will compare and contrast both theorists. Jean Piaget was a Swiss developmental psychologist and philosopher, he is known for his contribution to a theory of cognitive development. 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