Friday, February 28, 2020

Race, Place, and Obesity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Race, Place, and Obesity - Assignment Example obesity, that different racial/ethnic groups face. For a disease to be eliminated, we first need to know all the risk factors that cause its occurrence and the purpose behind this study is to investigate if community-level racial/ethnic composition is a risk factor for obesity. The results and conclusions of this study can steer future interventions in the right direction, which is to minimize these health disparities. 3- I found this literature review to be fulfilling its purpose, information about other researches conducted in the area of community-level obesity and individual-level obesity based on ethnicity/race were mentioned. The need for this study was also explained since no other research has covered the association between a communitys racial/ethnic composition, an individuals race/ethnicity and obesity. 4- This study is addressing two questions. One, whether a communitys racial/ethnic compositions association with obesity overrides characteristics of an individual? Two, if there is an association present between the two, does it differ on account of an individuals own race/ethnicity? 5- The research hypothesis being studied is the presence of a relationship between a communitys racial/ethnic composition and obesity. Since there are social norms dictating lifestyle in every ethnic group, one ethnic/racial group might be in favour of an increased body weight than the other, and whether a person of a different ethnicity living in that community would be susceptible to obesity or not. 6- If the research does result in highlighting that living in a certain racial/ethnic group puts an individual at risk for obesity regardless of his/her own characteristics, it might result in hysteria causing an exodus of people out of that community and social interventions warning against obesity at a community level, the latter being a more positive result. 7- The hypothesis is somewhat clear, that the

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Narcissism and toxic leadersheip Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Narcissism and toxic leadersheip - Essay Example (Pfeffer, 2012) One of the most recent examples of such leadership behavior is that of the Gen. Petraeus who was disgraced and has to resign from the position of CIA Head. It is argued that those in power tend to often forget about others and pursue their own goals and become action oriented. Petraeus was also considered as one such leader who believed that rules are not for them and that they are special and invulnerable. However, the fact that Gen. Petraeus was removed from his position because he acted on his impulses and engaged in activities which were considered as unethical from a leader of his position and power. This paper will discuss the personality of Gen. Petraeus as a Narcissistic leader and what impact he had on his organization, explore as to whether followers were contributing towards this toxic vision and what organizational checks and balances were in place to control his behavior. One of the key requirements of working in an organization like CIA is the extreme confidentiality as well as the secrecy. As per the existing procedures, CIA officials are required to maintain both these aspects of doing their job. It has been argued that the overall behavior of Gen actually compromised the national security because he was not only a four start General in US army but also fought important wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He was accused of having unacceptable extramarital affairs with his biographer Paula Broadwell who was studying his leadership behavior during US’s war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Self-Centered model of leadership can result into negative outcomes for the organizations especially if leaders are not productive. A relative alternative of this approach is character centric leadership style which can offer leaders a relative and practical advantage over others. However, for Narcissist leaders, character