Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Validity of the Rorschach Test - 1192 Words

Did you ever ask yourself who you really are? The Rorschach test tries to answer to this question. The Rorschach test is a projective test which means the subjects projects his unconscious mind and thoughts in the image to describe and explain it. There are a lot of different projective tests, but in this case, an inkblot test. In this essay we will discuss whether this test is still valid or not. We are firstly going to present you the creator of this test and what it is all about, after that, we will present you the different inkblots and what they reveal, and finally we will debate on the reasons that pushes this test to be more invalid than valid. Who is Hermann Rorschach and what is his test? Early career: The psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach was born in 1884 on the 8th of November in Zurich. With his mother dying in 1897 Hermann was left with his father that was an art teacher. In high school, Hermann loved an inkblot game named Klecksography. So his father being an art teacher encouraged him to express his creativity. Consequently he created the Rorschach test by combining his psychoanalysis and art skills. (Hermann Rorschach Biography). In 1904 He left and studied botany and geology in the academia of Neuchà ¢tel in Switzerland. He stayed there only one term. Aside of those courses he took French lessons at the university of Berne in 1904. Specializing in psychology he continued his studies in Zurich, Nuremberg and Berlin. He graduated from Zurich’s universityShow MoreRelatedThematic Appreciation Test And Rorschach Inkbolt Test1366 Words   |  6 Pagesselection. Psychology has various tests that are used independently in order to diagnose and measure the behaviour of an indi vidual. The psychological tests all have various usage and can measure different behaviours or diagnose mental health issues. 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This paper will discuss the characteristics, use, and purpose of the Rorschach Ink Blot test. Created by Herman Rorschach the Rorschach inkblot test was presented to the world in 1921. Rorschach inkblot is comprised of a selection of ten cards with inkblots. The inkblot designs are unique in character they are nearly symmetrical, the blots are also centered when printed on the cardboardRead MoreThe Test Of Personality Assessments1732 Words   |  7 Pagesspecific diagnosis, or a previous experience, these tests are administered to gain insight into an individual’s thought processes and psyche, and may be used to help with the diagnosis of psychopathology. Many of these assessments achieve their insight by asking a series of questions in a questionnaire format, while others use a technique to encourage the individual to provide information in their own way. 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The next principle is the ‘disguise’ principle, which allows for more valid testing. The principle of ‘least stress’ creates a valid result, as the participant is co mfortable and relaxed with minimal stress under the test conditions. The fourth principle, the principleRead MoreSigmund Freud : A Revolutionary Man Of Psychology879 Words   |  4 PagesProjective tests are a technique in which the client is asked questions about an ambiguous item. The theory behind projection is that a person will project their unconscious impulses onto the stimuli which will allow the examiner to interpret it. People may be less guarded during projection tests than they would be with self-report tests. The Rorschach Inkblot Test is the one of the more well-known projection tests. Hermann Rorschach was a Swiss psychologists who created a psychological test based onRead More The Rorschach Inkblot Test Essay2377 Words   |  10 PagesThe Rorschach inkblot test is one of the most widely known psychological projective test of personality, and the most controversial. In general, projective tests are psychoanalytically based tools that assist clients to reveal their unconscious conflicts via responses towards ambiguous stimuli, and can also help psychologists to determine psychological disorders. Specifically, the Rorschach allows individuals to interpret a series of abstract inkblots based on their emotional and cognitive functionRead MoreRorschach Test And Its Impact On The Field Of Psychology1857 Words   |  8 PagesAbstract The Rorschach test, used first in 1918, has been the center of much controversy in the field of psychology. This particular test uses print inkblots in order to test many factors within clients based on how they answer when asked about the pictures. Although Hermann Rorschach never made it known where he got the idea for the Rorschach test, it is believed it was inspired by the game Blotto, which was a game which used inkblots. The Rorschach test was originally used to test patients with

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Selflessness And Courage In Ernest Gainess A Lesson...

When will you die? How do you want to be remembered? Will you be remembered by your laughter and smiles, or will you only be remembered by the hate and hurt in your heart? Most people do not know they are going to die on a specific day, but they can still choose how they want to be remembered. The people around you can influence the way you are seen whether it be in a positive or negative way. Ernest Gaines established this idea in A Lesson Before Dying with his dynamic characters. Most of the characters learn a lesson and make a change in their lives for the better. Although some may argue that the lesson that is being taught and learned before dying refers only to Jefferson, a careful analysis shows that the whole community gains a†¦show more content†¦He makes Jefferson feel needed and encourages him to be courageous, because he is the hero that they needed to break the cycle. The cycle has been an intrinsic part of the community in which the men run away from their probl ems and are not strong enough to fight against their struggles. The reader can see things are looking up for the protagonist chance of success in his task because of the change in Jefferson. Through Grant showing that he cares and not giving up on him, Jefferson learns a lesson about selflessness and having courage. The second person that learns a lesson during this book is Grant. In the beginning, Grant’s only concern is about himself. He doesn’t want to do anything for anyone but himself and feels miserable in his small community. He believes he is permanently stuck in the the same place and not doing any good. At first, Grant resents having to visit Jefferson because he doesn’t want the burden of changing him into a man, or the shame of being treated as a lesser human being by the sheriffs. Eventually, Grant realizes that he does need to do things for other people and puts in a full effort. Grants asks â€Å"Do you want me to bring you a little radio next ti me I come?† (Gaines 172). This quote illustrates how Grant is actually considering what Jefferson wants instead of living for only himself. Grant desires that Jefferson asks for whatever he wants and shares his thoughts. Grant eventually blatantly

Friday, December 13, 2019

Pleasantville Essay Free Essays

When David and Jenifer are tolerated to Pleasantries and are forced to play the part of Bud and Mary-sue the whole routine/script goes out of whack. We see Davit’s fantasy at the start were the director has used a close up shot of David talking to the girl of his dreams. As the camera zooms out, It becomes obvious that he was Imagining talking to her the director uses this to portray Davit’s character. We will write a custom essay sample on Pleasantville Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now From this we see that he Is a loner and Is socially awkward. To David this perfect world Is his reality. David knows everything bout Pleasantries all the characters the script everything there is to know. It almost seems to be a religion to him. For Jenifer this is only a fantasy and she doesn’t like it she wants to bring her reality to this fantasy world. Change Change is commonly seen throughout the film and is represented in many ways. We not only see change In the characters but In the environment around them. The first sign of change we see Is the red rose that bud sees after his date with Mary-sue the director uses this to show the audience that everything Is about to change. The director also use costumes to show the change In Pleasantries, teenagers In Pleasantries start to wear more modern clothing that are bright and colorful. The director also introduces rain and fire to Pleasantries, which are all new experiences for people in Pleasantries. When the director introduces rain The main characters in the film change in some way through the film. Jenifer is a teenage girl trying to be cool by smoking and getting with guys. When Jenifer is tolerated to Pleasantries we e change as the film progresses. We see a glimpse of change in Jenifer when she picks up the glasses to read the book. Moments later as we see the camera move across we see the photograph of her wearing glasses. Another sign of change is when Margaret starts baking cookies for bud Instead of Whaley. When we see Bud and Margaret on their date at lover’s lane we see Margaret pick an apple from a tree, the apple symbolizes the corruption of the real world. The forbidden fruit. The people in Pleasantries have very little knowledge. We see an example of this when Mary-sue ask, â€Å"What outside Pleasantries† Everyone looks at her as she was stupid. The teacher replies â€Å"Mary-sue you know better than that it goes around in a circle†. We also see another glimpse of there lack of knowledge when the tree catches on fire. When we see the tree on fire the director portrays both the people of Pleasantries and the tree on fire to show their confused and intrigued faces. When bud is at the fire station yelling â€Å"FIRE† the fire fighters are all confused it wasn’t until e said â€Å"cat† that the fire fighter got into action but when they got there they didn’t know what to do. In the end bud saves the day putting out the fire. The tree on fire is a major event in the film this is when the people of Pleasantries what to know more. We see an example of change and knowledge when David was saying the ending to a book as he was saying what happened the black pages in the book started to fill. Creating new knowledge soon after all the books in Pleasantries were filled and everyone was at the library reading and gaining new knowledge. By Dylan South How to cite Pleasantville Essay, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

All New People By Anne Lamott Essay Example For Students

All New People By Anne Lamott Essay I believe All New People by Ann Lamott was chosen for the Independent Thinkers Ser Sex, drugs, presidential scandals, all this and more is to be found in the magnificently written novel All New People by Anne Lamott. Probing into a timeless array of chaos and personal tragedy, Lamott manages to tie the story together with a mixture of personal experiences and documented historical references creating an almost nostalgic, dreamy tone. As Naddy Goodman, the narrator and main character of the saga is introduced, she is undergoing a series of hypnosis sessions which reveal many painful childhood memories. While none too extreme, the sheer simplicity of her emotional problems is ironic. After a lifetime of longing for emotional and physical acceptance from others, she has come full-circle to the realization that she must first accept and love herself. I especially enjoyed the way the author expresses her feelings about the breakdown of morals in society. This, to me, was best exemplified when the neighborhood fathers, including Naddys, decided the world held more fascinating things for them than they could find within the boundaries of their own, settled lives. Before this time it was almost unheard of for a father to leave his family because he was ?tired of it.? Lamott clearly and loudly states the meaning of her book in the title, All New People. This book was written for anyone who has ever looked back on his or her life with regret. Whether a pessimist or an optimist, ?In a hundred years? -All new people.?